Need organization? Call 916.276.3699 for a consultation.

Before & After

Being organized is not just a state achieved in one day. Organization is an ongoing process of making life changing habits that last and can be repeated.

  • Tip: Clear floor by sorting, purging and putting items away.
  • Tip: Purge books, knickknacks, binders, supplies that you do not use, need or love.
  • Tip: Sort through paper and mail by creating piles for each category (ex: Electric bill, Cable bill, Mortgage, Bank Statements, etc.)
  • Tip: Choose an open space near room to use for sorting (ex: hall, living room).
  • Tip: Determine what your goals are for your room/space.
  • Tip: Label large bins or tape signs to wall to put items from each category (ex: Donate, Trash, Sell, etc.)
  • Tip: Choose an open space near garage to use for sorting (ex: driveway, front/side/back yard).
  • Tip: Post signs, using stakes for yards or staples for trees, to put items from each category (ex: Donate, Trash, Gardening tools, Sports equipment, etc.)
  • Tip: Install heavy duty shelving system to use vertical space for storage.
  • Tip: Clear countertop by washing dishes, tossing trash, and storing items you do not use often.
  • Tip: Put the items you use most often towards the front.  Store items in an easily accessible container (basket).
  • Tip: Purge items you do not need.  Store small items in a container that has sections.
  • Tip: Toss expired items. Store duplicate items in a row.
  • Tip: Use organizing systems to increase space and accessibility.
  • Tip: Use organizing systems to increase space and accessibility. Store duplicate items in a row. When you get near the end of the row, put item on grocery list.
  • Tip: Store items in their proper homes.
  • Tip: Use organizing systems to increase space and accessibility. Store duplicate glass sets in a row. Purge broken/chipped dishes.
  • Tip: Use containers with dividers or interlocking containers to separate similar items and make them more accessible.